Online Pet Adoption Resources For Seniors
If there’s one truth that crosses cultural, race, age, and all other boundaries, it is this: humans need companionship. Whether that companionship is your family, your friends, your pe...
February 10, 2014
Bay Alarm Medical Proudly Sponsors Pets For The Elderly Foundation
We’re pleased to be sponsoring a charity that is very close to our hearts over the next few months: The Pets For The Elderly Foundation. Many of our employees here at Bay Alarm Medical...
February 4, 2014
Bay Alarm Medical Emergency Alert System Review at Rossmoor Senior Community
Bay Alarm Medical was recently invited to present our Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) at the Rossmoor Active Senior Adult Community in Walnut Creek, California. They invited repr...
July 26, 2013
Are you gearing up for a big move this summer?
Spring is typically the season when homeowners put their houses on the market and buyers scoop up the homes of their dreams....
June 8, 2012
4 travel safety tips for seniors
There's nothing better than going on vacation, whether it's to a country you've yet to check off your bucket list, a relative's house or a weekend getaway destination....
April 6, 2012
Seniors working into their golden years
Many view retirement as playing a round of golf every weekend and laying by a beach during the week. However, some seniors have no desire to slow down and want to continue to work well into ...
January 20, 2012
Public health budget increases lower some mortality rates
If more money is dedicated to the public health effort, people's health may improve, according to a recent study conducted by scientists at the Universities of Arkansas and Kentucky. ...
August 8, 2011
Retired couples spend more time following separate dreams
Some couples may be looking forward to spending as much time together as possible in retirement, but not every pair likes to be attached at the hip. ...
July 21, 2011
Growing old doesn’t have to mean relinquishing freedom
No one likes to admit that they're growing old, and as the Baby Boomers begin to reach the golden age of retirement, they want to remain active and purposeful....
July 13, 2011
Median age of Connecticut reaches 40
As Census data is released, the latest statistics are showing some startling trends in many states, including Connecticut. ...
May 12, 2011