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Top 5 Ways to Infuse Water

As you’ve probably gleaned from our previous article “Stay Hydrated with Clean Bottle This Summer,” Bay Alarm Medical is teaming up with Clean Bottle in order to combat senior dehydrat...

August 4, 2015

Alan Wu

Reinventing the Image of Aging

Earlier this year, the American Society on Aging (ASA) held their annual conference, Aging in America. Over 3,000 attendees from 50 states and 15 countries traveled to Chicago, IL to partici...

July 7, 2015


36 Life Hacks for Aging in Place

90% of seniors want to stay in their own homes as they grow older according to a study by the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities(NASUAD). Aging in place means m...

June 10, 2015

Gjenes Belamide

How We Can All Make The Physical Experience Of Old Age Easier

American adults are tackling something new—caring for each other and being cared for, physically, on a larger scale than ever before. We’re used to hands-on caretaking when it comes to c...

May 22, 2015


Rethinking Old Age For The New Century

Old age doesn’t appear without warning. In the movies you might wake up, face yourself in the mirror, notice the grey hair, and suddenly realize that you’re old. The actual experience is...

May 20, 2015


Seniors Get Fit with Video Games

Being that we’re in the elderly services industry, we’re well aware that as we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain an active lifestyle, especially if subject to ch...

May 1, 2015

Gjenes Belamide

American Heart Month: Top 5 Heart Health Tips

February is American Heart Month and with that in mind, here are our top 5 tips on how to be proactive with your heart health. 1.) Check your blood pressure often. A study conducted by Harva...

February 25, 2015

Gjenes Belamide

VIDEO: Chiropractic Health | Bay Alarm Medical Mondays

Are you hunching your head and shoulders forward while you squint at computer screen, tablet, or phone right now? We can almost guarantee that you’ll be sitting up a little straighter ...

December 15, 2014

Alan Wu

Giving Back to the Community | Bay Alarm Medical Charity Drives

Throughout the year, Bay Alarm Medical is devoted to serving our community with donations and charity drives to various local and national non-profit organizations. St. Anthony’s Found...

November 8, 2013

Alan Wu

Five quick exercises you can do in 15 minutes

New research has shown that 15 minutes of exercise each day is all it takes to prolong the life of someone who's relatively inactive....

June 6, 2012

Alan Wu

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