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Bay Alarm Medical Emergency Alert System Review at Rossmoor Senior Community

Bay Alarm Medical was recently invited to present our Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) at the Rossmoor Active Senior Adult Community in Walnut Creek, California. They invited repr...

July 26, 2013

Alan Wu

Seniors’ medical costs could be cutting into other expenses

Researchers from Harvard Medical School recently reported that one in 10 older adults who are using Medicare, deviate from their prescribed regimen of medication because drugs are simply too...

August 2, 2011

Lisa Wurth

Early warning signs of dementia

Ongoing dementia research is uncovering more information about the disease, and many scientists believe a cure is not far away. ...

July 29, 2011

Alan Wu

Senior healthcare is a rising concern for the U.S. government

Senator Jim DeMint, a South Carolina Republican, recently introduced the Retirement Freedom Act (RFA), which, if passed, will allow seniors to opt out of Medicare without losing their Social...

July 6, 2011

Jasmine Phu

Baby Boomers’ fate hangs in the balance alongside Medicare

Medicare has recently been the target of possible federal budget cuts, and official discussions have been ongoing about whether or not to dissolve the program....

July 1, 2011

Alan Wu

Singing brings joy to Welsh dementia patients

The U.S. Alzheimer's Association reports that there are currently about 5.4 million Americans living with Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia. ...

July 1, 2011

Jasmine Phu

Maine residents are oldest in nation

The most recent U.S. Census statistics have shown that, once again, Maine is the grayest state in the nation and steadily getting older. The median age of residents is now 42.7, up from 38.6...

May 27, 2011

Alan Wu

Japanese Americans are oldest ethnic group in U.S.

Of the 1.3 million Japanese Americans who are currently living in the country, a whopping 21.5 percent are 65 and older, making the demographic the oldest ethnic group in the United States....

May 23, 2011

Lisa Wurth

Getting started with long-term care insurance

Families know that there may come a day where long-term care insurance is necessary. ...

April 7, 2011

Alan Wu

Experts see shortage of geriatric care in the near future

With 78 million baby boomers approaching retirement age - and 10,000 turning 65 every day - healthcare professionals are worried that hospitals and other facilities may not have the resource...

April 6, 2011

Lisa Wurth

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