Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski to attend 2011 ALFA conference

September 23, 2010

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, have agreed to speak at April’s Assisted Living Federation of America’s 2011 conference, which will discuss the future options for the millions of Americans caring for older parents or preparing for retirement.

“America is approaching a crossroads with its long term care policies,” Richard Grimes, president & CEO of the Assisted Living Federation of America, said in a statement. “Joe and Mika are experienced political commentators as well as the adult children of aging parents themselves. As a result, they have a keen interest in how policymakers address aging today and in the future.”

Much of the conference will focus on the aging baby boomer population and the fact that, by 2020, there will be approximately 7.1 million seniors over the age of 85 in the United States. This seems to indicate that pushing for improvements in the aged care sector will be more important than ever.

One method of aged care that can guarantee a senior safety and independence is the senior alert system, which is a device that can be installed in the home and used to instantly notify loved ones, neighbors or doctors in the case of an emergency.

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