Couple shares aging at home health strategy

Couple shares aging at home health strategy

September 2, 2010

Bob and Anne Trussell are two seniors who have developed a sound plan for safely aging in their home, according to The Recorder & Times. The Canadian couple is currently taking advantage of the SMILE program, Seniors Managing Independent Living Easily, and credit it for helping them in their home.

Mr Trussell spoke to an audience of approximately 60 healthcare providers to emphasize the importance of caretakers in their lives. He told the audience that his knee and shoulder problems prevent him from fully assisting his legally blind wife, who is partially paralyzed and has had heart surgery.

The program has provided Anne with a walker, put a gate on her bed, and offers her sponge baths, meals and blind-training, as well as a home medical system that she can use if she is alone and an emergency occurs.

“This is keeping us in our home. I’m able to sit out back with Anne and feed the birds and enjoy what we can,” Trussell told the news source. “According to government standards, we live in poverty but our cup runneth over.”

Those who are also living alone or unable to fully care for a spouse may want to consider investing in a medical alert system. This device will allow them to contact doctors or neighbors in the case of an unexpected injury or health problem.

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