Senior alert system can help those caring for Alzheimer’s patients

October 22, 2010

A report issued by the Alzheimer’s Association and California’s First Lady Maria Shriver has found that more women suffer from Alzheimer’s disease than men, as approximately two-thirds of all cases are female.

Additionally, the findings revealed that 60 percent of those who are caring for someone with the disease are women. A third of these caregivers are responsible for their parent or spouse 24/7 and many have no other option.

The report concluded that substantial initiatives need to be taken in order to meet the needs of Alzheimer’s patients, particularly because 72 percent of Americans claim that they haven’t considered caring options for those with memory loss at all.

Over 11.2 million Americans are taking care of Alzheimer’s patients, making for $4 billion in health costs due to emotional and physical stress that affects their wellbeing.

Those who are looking to ease their responsibilities may want to consider installing a senior life alert system in their residence. This can allow a patient to immediately send out a medical alert if he or she is in need of assistance. This can allow caregivers to leave the house for short periods of time and know that a senior is safe.

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