Expenses may increase for seniors if government cuts assistance programs

July 25, 2011

Many government discussions concerning the national budget have been focusing on programs that benefit and protect elderly citizens. Some politicians are pushing for financial cutbacks, but this may be the worst possible time.

“Suggested cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, at a time when Americans of all ages are struggling to afford their bills, threaten the economic security of today’s older adults and future generations,” said Stacy Sanders of Wider Opportunities for Women. “A national strategy for deficit reduction should protect these core programs, the basic building blocks of economic security at all stages of life.”

Researchers at Wayne State University recently found that about 37 percent of seniors living in Michigan are having difficulty paying for food, housing, transportation and other basic needs. Health starts to decline as people grow older, which means more medical expenses. This can be detrimental to financial stability, and if government-funded programs are reduced or eliminated, many older adults could be negatively impacted.

Medical alert systems may be the perfect way to add security because it contacts help immediately if an individual is injured. A personal emergency response system can help an older adult get medical attention as soon as possible, which could lower the risk of injury and save people from unnecessary medical expenses.

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