Bay Alarm Medical Gives Back to American Cancer Society

October 11, 2018

The Bay Alarm Medical family is proud to announce our continued efforts in spreading breast cancer awareness by donating a portion of our proceeds from the month of October to the American Cancer Society. We’ve successfully done this in the past and are happy to do it again.

Many of our customers are women – whether they are the adult daughter caring for their parent/grandparent, or they are the actual medical alert user themselves, giving back is important to us as it helps these loving mothers, sisters, daughters, and granddaughters have a chance to prevent or fight off this disease.

We’ve compiled information and resources about breast cancer and how to prevent it. The more you know, the more power you have to stop it from affecting you and your loved ones.

Breast Cancer Statistics (source: American Cancer Society)

  • About 1 in 8 women (just under 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
  • For women in the US, breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.
  • Breast Cancer death rates have actually been declining since 1990. Especially in women under age 50. These decreases are perceived to be the result of advanced treatment options, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness.
  • Risk of getting breast cancer almost doubles if a woman has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. An estimated 15% of women who get breast cancer have a family member who was diagnosed with the disease.

What Is Breast Cancer?

The term cancer refers to “a group of diseases that cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control” (American Cancer Society, “What is breast cancer?”). These cells then form a mass within the breast tissue. Cancer occurs as the result of gene mutations, which cause cells to grow at an out of control exponential rate; which then forms tumors.

Benign tumors are not dangerous to your health, as they grow slowly and do not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors, however, are very dangerous for your health. They grow at an extremely quick rate and can eventually spread to other parts of your body, including vital organs.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors That You Can Control (source: American Cancer Society)

  • Weight– Being overweight is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, especially for women in their 50s (post-menopausal). More fat tissue means having higher estrogen levels, which can increase breast cancer risk.
  • Diet– Diet is a suspected risk factor many types of cancer, but studies have yet to exactly show which types of food increase risk. It’s probably a good idea to restrict sources of red meat and other animal fats (including dairy fat in cheese, milk, and ice cream) as they may contain hormones, other chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides. A low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended.
  • Smoking– Right now there is limited evidence that smoking causes breast cancer. However, some studies suggest there is a relationship between secondhand smoke and breast cancer.
  • Exposure to estrogen– “Reproductive hormones are thought to influence breast cancer risk by increasing cell proliferation, thereby increasing the likelihood of DNA damage, as well as promotion of cancer growth.”

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, any of the following unusual changes in the breast can be a symptom of breast cancer:

  • “swelling of all or part of the breast”
  • “skin irritation or dimpling”
  • “breast pain”
  • “nipple pain or the nipple turning inward”
  • “redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin”
  • “a nipple discharge other than breast milk”
  • “a lump in the underarm area”

These changes also can be signs of less serious conditions that are not necessarily cancer, such as an infection or a cyst. It’s important to get any breast changes checked out promptly by a doctor.

Breast Cancer Screenings

It’s always a good idea to get a breast exam when recommended by your doctor, or if you have any concerns – such as a history of cancer in your family. While it’s definitely not something we want to spend our time doing, taking care of yourself and your health should always be a priority. It’s important to detect any signs of cancer (or any disease) as early as possible to ensure proper care and treatment can be applied before it’s considered too late.

According to the American Cancer Society, there are three different categories of breast-cancer-related tests:

  • Screening tests– “Screening tests (such as yearly mammograms) are given to people who appear to be healthy and are not suspected of having breast cancer. Their purpose is to find breast cancer early, before any symptoms can develop and the cancer is usually easier to treat.”
  • Diagnostic tests– “Diagnostic tests (such as biopsy) are given to people who are suspected of having breast cancer, either because of symptoms they may be experiencing or a screening test result. These tests are used to gather more information about the cancer to guide decisions about treatment.”
  • Monitoring tests– “Once breast cancer is diagnosed, many tests are used during and after treatment to monitor how well therapies are working. Monitoring tests also may be used to check for any signs of recurrence.”

Who Should Get Tested and How Often

The American Cancer Society recommends:

  • Women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram every year. This should continue as long as she is in good health and is not suffering from major diseases, heart conditions, or dementia.
  • Women in their 20s and 30s should have a CBE (clinical breast exam) as part of their regular health check-ups every 3 years. Once they hit 40, they should have one every year.
  • Women can start doing BSEs (breast self-examination) as early as their 20s. They should report any changes in appearance or feel of their breasts to their doctors right away.
  • Anyone who has a family history of cancer may want to consider getting predictive genetic testing. This is done to see if you have the gene mutation that causes cancer, and may eventually develop the disease.

Caring For Someone With Breast Cancer

Dealing with cancer is tough, to say the least. Here are a few things you can do to help your loved one battling with breast cancer:

  • Help keep track of their medications- keep a list of any prescriptions drugs, over-the-counter medicines, and other supplements that the person takes
  • Give them rides to their appointments, treatments, and to go pick up their prescriptions.
  • Consider getting your loved one a medical alert systemCancer patients are often weak after chemotherapy treatments, and may not be able to get over to the phone in case of an emergency. With a medical alert system, they get safety and you get peach of mind knowing that help is just a button-push away. Find out how they work here
  • Listen. Don’t try to tell the person how to feel about their cancer. Just listen and try to be as supportive as you can. Don’t let your own fears influence discussions.
  • Make sure to set aside some time just for you. Caregivers need time to rest and recover in order to be a strong pillar of support for your loved one with cancer.
  • For more tips and information about caring for a loved one with breast cancer, click here.

Breast Cancer Resources

If you have any questions or concerns regarding breast cancer, we recommend talking to your local healthcare provider. You can also visit the American Cancer Society for more information and support.

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