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5 Signs It’s Time For A Medical Alert System

March 9, 2017

Has a loved one suffered a fall or other injury while at home recently? Or are you only looking for medical alert system information for mom and dad because they’re still active and independent, but may need help later on?

So how exactly do you know when it’s time to get one of these life-saving alert systems? Here are 5 signs that it’s time to get a medical life alert system.

1. A Fall Has Occurred

A doctor testing to see if the patient needs a medical alert system.

If your loved one has suffered a fall, then they most definitely need some kind of care system in place – whether that be round-the-clock check ins, home care, visiting nurses, or a fall alert system. You don’t want to wait until a more serious injury occurs to get a system in place. It’s best to act quickly to avoid debilitating incidents.

Most of our customers have purchased this system as a reaction to a fall, but why not be prepared for falls to happen? That way, recovery can happen faster. This is of great importance when it comes to older adults as 1 in 3 U.S. adults aged 65 and up falls ever year.

2. You Worry Frequently

A woman is concerned that her mother will fall while she is away.

You’ve always been available to help mom out whenever she needed it. However, she has begun calling you frequently but you simply can’t be there at all times.

With work, the kids, and other things in your life, you find that your mind is taken up with thoughts of worry, and perhaps even guilt, about not being there to watch over her as often as you would like.

If you worry a lot about the safety and well-being of your parents, relative, or friend, getting a medical alert system [or some other form of care] will help. Your mind will be at ease knowing they have 24/7 protection, and they’ll get the security they need to remain safe.

3. There’s No One Nearby To Help

Living far from family could be dangerous if you fall.

The person you’re concerned about lives alone, and have no family members, friends, or neighbors who can routinely check on them. If your loved one fell, they could possibly spend hours on the floor before anyone got home. You can avoid this scary situation by getting a medical alert system to be there in case of emergencies.

The 1st hour after falling is crucial to recovery. 62% of fall victims who don’t receive help with an hour won’t be able to live independently after recovery. Getting timely medical help makes a huge difference in the quality of life of the fall victim.

With a medical alert system, we identify the nearest local emergency services to the user and get help sent out immediately. Learn more about the personalized help medical alert systems can provide here.

4. Their Medication Makes Them Dizzy

If your loved one currently has a prescription for medication that makes them dizzy, they are at high risk for falls. They can become slightly disoriented and their coordination can be affected

If you’re unsure, ask their doctor to review their medications with you so you can be aware of any that have dizziness-causing side affects.

5. They’re Unsteady On Their Feet

Has their old injury gotten worse with time? Or, has getting around the house become more difficult? If there are any (even minor) mobility issues present, this is a surefire sign that a protection system is needed.

For someone who has difficulties with mobility, you’ll want to consider safety hazards around the house such as slippery rugs, pets, and bathtubs. To see a full list of potential home safety hazards, check out the CDC’s Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults.

If one or more of these items sounds familiar, it might be time to purchase a recommended-by-AARP medical alert system. Give us a call at 1-877-522-9633 and we will be happy to tell you more about medical alert systems, and to assist you in determining whether a medical alert system is right for your loved one.


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