A midlife crisis turns into Alzheimer’s disease

June 2, 2011

As a senior general manager at PC World, Chris McGlone was at the top of the world, according to The Daily Mail. But, one day, he started feeling like things were getting a little more difficult. The trend continued.

“I’d done the job for years, but suddenly easy things like stock control became hard. If I had a meeting with four or five of my managers, I couldn’t keep up with the conversation,'” he told the publication.

Unsure of what was wrong, McGlone decided to retire. It wasn’t a good time – he had a home mortgage to pay and a young son to raise, but his loving wife, Lorraine, supported the decision. But, what initially appeared to be a midlife crisis turned out to be early onset Alzheimer’s disease, which McGlone started to develop by age 55.

Families going through a similar situation may want to make sure that they have proper safeguards in place at home. Installing a medical alert system allows Alzheimer’s patients to instantly send a medical alert if they require assistance.

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that there are around 5.4 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

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