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5 Ways Seniors Can Prepare for an Emergency

2018 was a headline-making year for disasters. Between fires, gas leaks, and hurricanes, there wasn’t a news day that didn’t include devastating reports of families being forced from the...

September 28, 2018

Bay Alarm Medical

Aging in Place 101: The Very Basics

One important topic that tends to come up when dealing with elderly loved ones is where is the best place for them to live while they age? Many seniors are now opting to age in place rather ...

June 24, 2017

Bay Alarm Medical

Senior Hearing Loss: How To Recognize & Cope With It

Who would have thought that the Woodstock generation would now be out pricing hearing aids?  Their elders at the time warned them about that “loud rock and roll” and predicted t...

May 6, 2017

Johann Thomas

Senior Sleep Disorders: Are You Dreaming About A Good Night’s Sleep?

Many seniors say they can’t remember the last time they had a good night’s sleep. Senior sleep disorders have many causes, and some may be easy to correct. Still, the majority of...

May 6, 2017

Bay Alarm Medical

5 Signs It’s Time For A Medical Alert System

Has a loved one suffered a fall or other injury while at home recently? Or are you only looking for medical alert system information for mom and dad because they’re still active and in...

March 9, 2017

Bay Alarm Medical

Medical Alert Systems, Home Invasions, & Other Non-Medical Emergencies

  In-home medical alert systems can be time-savers and lifesavers. With one push of a button, you can call for help in case of a fall, share medical history with first responders, and n...

December 6, 2016

Alan Wu

Is My Dog Trying To Kill Me? Senior Falls and Pets

A recent study of emergency room visits found that “the number of incidents caused by dog walking has more than doubled” in the 13-year period covered by the study. Researchers a...

October 19, 2016

Gjenes Belamide

Why Wireless Home Security Systems Make Sense For Seniors

  The vast majority of seniors want to remain independent and at home. Medical alert systems help make that possible by summoning help quickly in a medical emergency.  But many seniors...

February 10, 2016

Alan Wu

Holiday Safety Guide For Seniors

Home decorating is one of the most anticipated parts of the holiday season. Tinsel, trees, and candles are spread throughout the home. These beloved things give us warm and cozy feelings; a ...

December 1, 2015

Gjenes Belamide

5 Ways to Set Up Your Home for an Alzheimer’s Patient

If you have an elderly relative with Alzheimer's moving into your home, there are certain steps that need to be taken beforehand to ensure that each room is as accident-proof as possible....

November 5, 2015

Alan Wu

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