Exercise can help prevent sarcopenia

Exercise can help prevent sarcopenia

April 19, 2011

While sarcopenia may not be something anyone has heard of, the symptoms are easily recognizable – fatigue, a feeling of weakness and a loss of muscle strength. In fact, sarcopenia is just a fancy term for the common, age-related decline to which many have grown accustomed.

However, HealthNewsDigest.com suggests that regular exercise can help maintain muscle mass and actually prevent the disease altogether – in fact, one study has suggested that “after one year of strength training, women’s bodies were 15 to 20 years more youthful.”

Sarcopenia can start setting in as early as the mid-40s, especially if one doesn’t lead an active lifestyle. Sedentary adults may be most at risk, so it’s crucial to try and start moving, even if that means just taking a stroll every day down the street.

Seniors who don’t often exercise are also at a higher risk for falls and may want to consider medical alert systems. This device can enable them to instantly send a personal emergency response message if they require assistance.

And it may also be wise to start being more physically active. Experts suggest that older adults should consult with a doctor about an exercise program that’s right for them and slowly begin training in increments.

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