Medical alert system can help caregiving spouses

Medical alert system can help caregiving spouses

November 15, 2010

In 2002, Ralph Conte and his wife, Norma, moved to a new home and he noticed that she couldn’t seem to remember where the knives and the forks were, even after three months, according to The Columbia Daily Tribune.

Ralph began to suspect something was wrong. The couple went to the hospital together and tests revealed that 83-year-old Norma had Alzheimer’s disease.

“It was tough. I had to live with it, and I had to do the best I could under the circumstances,” Ralph told the news provider.

He added that every day, something new seemed to be coming up. Feeling overwhelmed, he joined a local support group for male caregivers. They provided him with resources that helped him better understand the progression of his wife’s condition and also practical information that could assist him in his responsibilities.

The stress a caregiver faces can even cause health problems of their own, the news source reports. For this reason, it can be important to find ways that aid in day-to-day activities.

Those who caring for Alzheimer’s patients may want to invest in a medical alert system. This device can be programmed to act as a medical alarm that reminds individuals to take certain medications at different times of day.

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